Tell Us Your Stories

You may include your name and e-mail address, or remain anonymous if you so choose. We do not give out the addresses or personal information of people who write to us. We want to hear coming-out stories from healthy plurals, regardless of their history and origins. Do people know that you're plural? Who have you told? Who would you like to tell? Who are you afraid to tell? What have your experiences of telling people been like? How have people reacted to your coming out? Are you glad to be out? If you haven't come out yet, why not?


Email Address (If you want to be anonymous you can leave this blank. But if you have a question for us, please give a valid email address so we can answer you! Webmail OK!)

Your Home Page (or just recommend a page you like!):


Tell us your experiences and thoughts on coming out (or staying in the closet).

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